Project Description

February 1st – May 13th, 2023 at ONSITE Gallery, Toronto, ON.

See the exhibition page here:

For Instagram Reels of the works and events:

The exhibition more-than-human is a group show of media artworks at the intersection of art, science, Indigenous world views and technology. The works in the show speculatively and poetically use multimodal storytelling as a vehicle for interpreting, mattering, and embodying more-than-human ecologies, with the goal of critically and emotionally engaging with the important work of de-centering the human, even while the viewer is that human.  Many of the works use technological and scientific tools as the entry point for witnessing and interacting with these more-than-human worlds, as they help visualize phenomena beyond human sensory perception while nevertheless situating us within them. Together the works in the show offer embodied and felt perspectives that interweave scientific and Indigenous perspectives, opening the wild possibility of a discovery being a remembering.

The presented artworks will span a number of disciplines and world views and together will ask the following questions: What does it mean to be alive and have agency?, How can we re-train ourselves to slow down and listen to voices that have been marginalized for millennia?, What does it mean to be in dialogue with something that does not share the same language nor temporal reality?, Once we acknowledge the intelligence and ‘aliveness’ of something, what are the ethical implications of that recognition?, and How can we do better? What new mental models can we adopt to help guide how we engage with the world around us? This exhibition is geared towards listening and learning from these voices and finding ways to intersect with the public with the intention of rethinking and resituating our relationship with the natural world. 

The exhibition will feature the works of six Canadian based artists/artist duos and two international artists/artist duos (established and emerging). Participating artists include:

Ursula Biemann, Mary Bunch & Dolleen Tissawii’Ashii Manning, Lindsey French, Grace Grothaus, by Susan Morrissette, Joel Ong, Rasa Smites & Raitis Smit, and Jane Tingley with Faadhi Fauzi and Ilze (Kavi) Briede.

Download the Tech Rider here

Upcoming Exhibitions

more-than-human ran from Feb-May 13, 2023 at ONSITE Gallery in downtown Toronto.

Special Thanks:

Francisco Alveraz and Lisa Smith for getting excited about and supporting this show. Without you both, this show would not have become what it is.

For the support of the creation of Foresta-Inclusive research umbrella, including the exhibition more-than-human:

My husband Marius Kintel; Dr Karen Houle; Kyle Duffield; all of the artists in the exhibition; ONSITE Gallery: Francisco Alveraz, Renzi Guarin, Susan Jama, Lisa Smith; rare Charitable Reserve: Jenna Quinn; Sensorium: Dr Joel Ong; SLOlab affiliated researchers: Ilze (Kavi) Briede, Roberta Buiani, Faadhi Fauzi, Grace Gothaus, Hrysovalanti Fereniki Maheras, Cleo Sallis-Parchet, An Vu; University of Waterloo: DRAGON Lab: Dr Steven Bednarski and the Environments of Change Partnership Grant, the Bader International Study Centre at the Herstmonceux Castle, and the Modelling and Spatial Analysis Lab: Dr Derek T. Robinson; York University: Dr. Aimée Mitchell, Dr. Laura Levin, the AMPD Dean’s Office, the Department of Computational Arts; and the generous financial support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Canada Arts Council, University of Waterloo, and York University.